Social commitment
As an international retail company, we have responsibilities beyond our core business. With the help of strong, long-term partnerships and committed employees, we support a wide range of different projects focusing on opportunities for children and young people, the informed use of food, biodiversity and environmental protection.

For a better future
Lernen macht Schule
The initiative "Lernen macht Schule" (Learning makes the school) takes action against the fact that poverty in the parental home massively restricts opportunities for education. Students from WU Vienna, IFZ Salzburg and children from socially disadvantaged population groups learn with and from each other, thus advancing education and integration. In addition to educational support, the focus is on joint leisure activities and building sustainable relationships. Only if children are given the opportunity of education, regardless of their social background, the spiral of poverty can be stopped.

Small donations out of solidarity
Aufrunder bewirken Wunder
Customers of our retail companies BILLA, PENNY and BIPA can make a big difference in Austria through the "Aufrunder bewirken Wunder" (Rounding up works wonders) initiative and can make a big difference in Austria with a small amount of money. At the checkout or in the app, the purchase amount can be rounded up to the nearest 10 cents by saying "please round up" or "round up permanently". The donated amounts for this project, which is unique in Austria, go to Caritas institutions such as mother-child houses, families in need, learning cafés or elderly people.

Food as a valuable commodity
Food donations
Wherever suitable partners can be found, all our retail companies collaborate with a charitable organisation for the distribution of food as well as goods for daily use. We are co-founders of the "Aktionsplattform Lebensmittelhandel" within the Verbands der österreichischen Tafeln (Association of Austrian Food Banks) – the association of various charitable organisations. Collaborations with innovative start-ups such as Unverschwendet (Unwasted) represent another important measure in the fight against food waste.

For a healthy nature & biodiversity
Blühendes Österreich
Blühendes Österreich (Blooming/flourishing Austria) (Blooming Austria) is our non-profit private foundation, with which we advocate near-natural flower meadows, buzzing bees, singing birds and healthy Austrian food. We are convinced that healthy nature and biodiversity are prerequisites for diversity on the shelves. With Blühendes Österreich, we finance farmers and organisations that protect our nature and preserve precious landscapes through ecologically sustainable farming. In addition, the citizen science app "Schmetterlinge Österreichs" (Butterflies of Austria) in collaboration with GLOBAL 2000, is one of the largest nature observation apps in the German-speaking world and gives butterflies a strong voice. Every fluttering moment of happiness counts!