Ecological and social standards
We source a variety of products and product components through supply chains that span multiple provinces. Activities based around ecological aspects in the supply chain relate to the field of action of biodiversity and habitats with the aim of protecting natural resources and preserving biodiversity along supply chains. Activities based around social aspects in the supply chain relate to the field of action of fairness and social standards. The aim is to implement binding standards for supply chains together with business partners and suppliers.

Eine Initiative für mehr Tierwohl
Fair zum Tier
With the new animal welfare label "Fair zum Tier" (Fair to Animals), which applies to all trading companies, we label products with animal welfare standards that exceed the legal requirements. We are committed to improving livestock farming in Austria and want to offer our customers a growing range of products that come from improved animal husbandry. All Fair zum Tier products also bear the AMA seal of quality, which guarantees traceable origin and independent controls.

Promoting fair trade
The aim of Fairtrade is to make consumption more responsible and to improve the working and living conditions of producers in developing countries. REWE Group in Austria sold around 16 million Fairtrade products in 2020, primarily in the product groups of fruit, rice, coffee, sugar, honey, fruit juices and flowers. In 2020, REWE Group's own and exclusive brands in Austria generated Fairtrade premiums of over 714,000 euros, which benefit producers in emerging and developing countries.

Independent check for fruit and vegetables
Pesticide reduction programme
We have set ourselves the goal of reducing the pesticide load in conventional fruit and vegetables. Against this background, the Pesticide Reduction Programme (PRP) was developed together with the environmental organisation GLOBAL 2000 and has been applied to all our fruit and vegetables to date. The programme work of GLOBAL 2000 encompasses four areas: binding standards, regular inspections, cooperation with farmers and awareness raising.

Product diversity without genetically modified organisms
ARGE Gentechnikfrei
We are a founding member of ARGE Gentechnikfrei (ARGE GMO-free). In 2019, we had around 3,500 products in our range produced with the green quality label Ohne Gentechnik. The widespread use of the label by our own brands as well as the regular presentation in the flyers of our retail companies BILLA, PENNY and ADEG have made a decisive contribution to publicising and raising awareness in this area.

We think globally
Human rights
Our human rights guideline statement is linked to a commitment to strengthen human rights and prevent human rights violations. This commitment applies to our own business activities as well as to global supply and value chains.

Complaint Management
Due diligence along the supply chain
Our complaints procedure for the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) guarantees a trustworthy and at the same time transparent procedure for dealing with complaints about violations of human rights or environmental obligations. Complaints about human rights and environmental risks or breaches of duty can be submitted by employees and outsiders in the respective REWE Group Hintbox.