Sustainability in action
Acting responsibly, buying sustainably
We take responsibility for our employees, ensure fair dealings with partners, promote more sustainable product ranges, act in an environmentally and climate-conscious manner and are committed to biodiversity and a sustainable society.
Climate and environmental protection
For our employees
Social commitment
Out with plastic
Achieving great things together
Climate neutrality by 2040
From organic to "weirdo"
Sustainability in facts and figures
We have been reporting on our commitment to sustainability for 10 years now. The annual sustainability report provides an overview of the successes achieved as well as our current commitment and takes a look at future challenges.
1,100 organic products
Ja! Natürlich has been our pioneer for organic products in Austria since 1994. Its organic range comprises a total of 1,100 organic products. These are supplied by around 7,000 organic farms and 80 partner businesses.
100% green electricity
We push for the consistent use of renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources. Since 2008, all our trading companies, warehouses and central locations have been using 100% green electricity.
46.000+ employees
Our company offers secure jobs to more than 46,000 people at over 2,570 locations throughout Austria. About 600 of these people are living with a disability. Every year, more than 2,000 apprentices start their professional career with us on 24 apprenticeship schemes.
8.275.4 tons
In 2019, we rescued 8,275.4 tonnes of fruit and vegetables with a quirky appearance but impeccable quality and taste from disposal and sold them as "weirdos" (Wunderlinge).
1.000 hectares
With our private foundation Blühendes Österreich (Blooming/flourishing Austria), we are securing 1,000 hectares of threatened ecological habitats for animals and plants in the long term until 2025. Currently, there are 900 hectares and 206 supported partners and nature conservation projects.
156 million pieces
Among other things, we already save 125 million plastic knotted bags for fruit & vegetables and 31 million plastic carrier bags per year. By 2030, we aim to switch all our own-brand food packaging to more environmentally friendly alternatives.
Sustainability Report 2021
Commitment pays off
Our initiatives
Our initiatives show how diverse sustainability is. They give our actions a name.
Fair zum Tier
With the new animal welfare label "Fair zum Tier" (Fair to Animals), which applies to all trading companies, we label products with animal welfare standards that exceed the legal requirements. Our goals are to promote sustainable improvements in livestock farming and to provide consumers with a basis that makes it easier to recognise species-appropriate, conventional animal husbandry. All "Fair zum Tier" products also bear the AMA seal of quality, which promises traceable origin and independent checks.
Blühendes Österreich
"Blühendes Österreich" (Blooming/Flourishing Austria) is our non-profit private foundation, with which we advocate near-natural flower meadows, buzzing bees, singing birds and healthy Austrian food. We are convinced that healthy nature and biodiversity are prerequisites for diversity on the shelves. With Blühendes Österreich, we finance farmers and organisations that protect our nature and preserve precious landscapes through ecologically sustainable farming.