Press Release 1st June 2022

Good Food Board – High-profile expert council for healthy and sustainable nutrition

It has always been BILLA's concern to support customers in their individual diets in the best possible way and to cover the most diverse preferences and needs with a varied assortment. In recent years, factors such as regionality, animal welfare, organic origin and sustainability have also become increasingly important.

From left: Richard Strebinger, professional footballer, Jelena Maier, influencer, Adi Raihmann and Simone Raihmann, gastronomists, are part of the top-class BILLA Good Food Board and provide tips and tricks on plant-based nutrition.

From left: Richard Strebinger, professional footballer, Jelena Maier, influencer, Adi Raihmann and Simone Raihmann, gastronomists, are part of the top-class BILLA Good Food Board and provide tips and tricks on plant-based nutrition. / Copyright: BILLA, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge

  • The "BILLA Good Food Board" features personalities such as professional footballer Richard Strebinger, restaurateurs Simone and Adi Raihmann and Hank Ge, nutritionists Katharina Petter and Niko Rittenau, as well as influencers Jelena Maier and Susanna Wurz, providing know-how, inspiration and orientation for conscious enjoyment

  • First focus on plant-based nutrition

  • BILLA's goal is to show how easily and quickly healthy nutrition can be integrated into everyday life

  • Direct exchange with experts via Instagram, Facebook and YouTube

  • Therefore, BILLA has made it its business to actively focus on these issues – on the one hand through a variety of strong own brands and on the other hand through awareness-raising campaigns and initiatives

During the new "Good Food" campaign, which runs throughout the summer, everything revolves around conscious, sustainable enjoyment. The focus is on the colourful variety of BILLA's own brands – from "Da komm' ich her!"(That's where I'm from!) to "Wunderlinge", "Vegavita" and "Fair zum Tier" (Fair to animals) to "BILLA Bio" (BILLA organic) and "Ja! Natürlich" (Yes! Of course). "Our 'Good Food' campaign shows how multifaceted it can be to eat consciously and that a conscious purchase and nutritional decision has a positive effect on several areas. For example, if I decide to buy local organic mushrooms from Ja! Natur, I am doing something good for my body, the region and the environment; if I choose the 'Fair zum Tier' minced meat, I can be sure that high animal welfare standards have been met and that the fresh meat comes 100% from Austria," says Elke Wilgmann, BILLA CEO.

The newly founded "BILLA Good Food Board" – a top-class advisory board with experts from gastronomy, nutrition science, professional sports and lifestyle – also deals with conscious enjoyment. Their task is to bring all interested parties closer to a conscious, healthy and sustainable diet, to offer guidance, to share their own experiences and to provide culinary inspiration. The "BILLA Good Food Board" dispels myths and dangerous half-knowledge, creates sensitivity for the climatic effects of nutrition, shows alternatives, reveals tips and tricks as well as one or the other easy-to-cook recipe. BILLA wants to show how easily and quickly healthy nutrition can be integrated into everyday life - without having to sacrifice enjoyment and taste.

Elke Wilgmann explains: "Diets change - influences from society, the environment and research create new trends and also affect our attitudes and values. More and more people are open to alternative diets or are looking for more variety in their everyday lives. Many are also asking themselves what impact their purchasing decisions have on the climate, animal welfare and ultimately on their health. We want to support all of them with the 'BILLA Good Food Board', which was created as a platform for exchange and inspiration."

Eight-member expert council for the annual focus on "plant based"

The focus topic of the "BILLA Good Food Board" varies annually. In 2022, everything revolves around plant-based nutrition. As part of the BILLA Austria Report, the largest representative study on the topic of well-being in Austria*, BILLA surveyed the preferences, wishes and ambitions of Austrians regarding their diet - among other things, this revealed that one in six people (17%) in Austria would like to reduce their meat consumption in the future. A quarter of the respondents (25 %) already count themselves as flexitarians, i.e. people who consciously limit their meat consumption. There are many reasons for not eating meat: at 84 %, animal welfare or animal protection is in first place, followed by climate protection (76 %) and health aspects (68 %). 62 % state their fitness or well-being as the reason. This is exactly where the experts from different disciplines come in and invite you on a journey through the world of plant-based nutrition.

This year, the "BILLA Good Food Board" is made up of these eight people:

  • Richard Strebinger, professional soccer player

  • Niko Rittenau, nutritionist and author

  • Hank Ge, hip gastronomer and founder of Bali Brunch

  • Jelena Maier, Influencer, runs the vegan food blog Schnabula Rasa

  • Simone und Adi Raihmann, gastronomers, cookbook authors and founders of Karma Food

  • Katharina Petter, nutritionist and staff member of the Vegan Society Austria

  • Susanna Wurz, Influencer, runs the lifestyle blog under her name

What they all have in common is that they are aware of the importance of a conscious diet and a healthy and sustainable lifestyle and either eat a purely plant-based diet themselves or are intensively involved with this form of nutrition. Those who eat consciously are not only doing something good for themselves, but are also making a significant contribution to climate protection, animal welfare and regionalism.

Each Expert:in will work on three self-selected topic blocks on their own social media channels until the end of the year. Questions are answered such as: How can I incorporate plant-based nutrition into my life and what should I pay attention to? How healthy are substitute products? Which labels can I trust? How does a plant-based diet affect our climate? How can I make a healthy, balanced diet palatable to children? Interaction with the community is essential - users have the opportunity to discuss directly with experts, ask questions and use the platform as a contact point for conscious and sustainable nutrition.

About the BILLA Österreich Report

Between 2 and 22 November 2021, the market and opinion research institute marketmind was commissioned by BILLA to survey a total of 3,013 women and men aged between 18 and 65 on various topics, including their diet, .