In the weeks before Christmas, giving presents is a central topic. People think about what gift they can give to family and friends to make them happy. In all these considerations, many people also think of those who are dependent on help. "For many years, it has been a great concern of ours to support people in need - and we are pleased that we can do this together with our customers," says Michaela Mülleder, BIPA Head of Marketing & Own Brands Strategy and Communication, and adds: "The Round Up, Please! campaign runs all year round. In the run-up to Christmas, Caritas gift tags are now available for the first time, with which you can give a gift and do good at the same time."
Buy gift tags with meaning
To ensure that the packages under the Christmas tree reach the right recipients, gift tags are recommended. They are available for two euros at BIPA and bring joy not only to the recipients but also to people in need: the proceeds from the sale of each individual tag go 1:1 to the mother-child houses of Caritas. "In these houses - there are twelve of them - mothers and their children not only receive a protective roof over their heads, but also individual care and counselling to make a new start possible. We want to support this," says Michaela Mülleder.
"Round up, please!" - two words with great effect
BIPA has been a project partner of the "round up" campaign for more than nine years. With the words "Round up, please!" the purchase amount is rounded up to the next full 10-cent amount and these cent amounts also go directly to mother-child houses and other mother-child projects of Caritas throughout Austria.
Both donation campaigns are tax deductible: customers can scan or photograph the receipts showing the corresponding donations and submit them to Caritas. The organisation then forwards the information directly to the tax office.