Press Release 22nd June 2023

New BILLA Kaufmann opens its store in Vienna

Today marks the opening of the fourth BILLA store in Austria to be managed by a Kaufmann and BILLA in a joint company. It is located at Dreherstraße 65 in Vienna's 11th district and is under the independent management of the freshly turned Kaufmann Patrick Reiss.

The market building impresses on the outside with a modern BILLA design, which has been extended to include the Kaufmann's last name in large letters. On the inside, the 640 m2 of sales floor space is characterized by the personal signature of Patrick Reiss in all areas. This is visible in the careful selection of the product range, which consists of successful classics, popular private labels and products from small businesses in the region. The variety of the assortment offers local products from regional producers and is continuously adapted to customer needs.

BILLA Reiss cares for its customers and the region with a 15-member team

Patrick Reiss' team consists of 15 employees, including one apprentice, who advise customers on their daily shopping. With the support of his team, the new Kaufmann continues the cooperation for food distribution to the Wiener Tafel and also sustainability measures already taken remain in place - such as an own photovoltaic system on the roof, which covers the energy needs of the market, or the cooperation with "Too Good To Go". The entire BILLA store is barrier-free and offers 37 parking spaces for customers.

Patrick Reiss, BILLA Kaufmann in Vienna's 11th district, on the motives behind his decision: "I am very happy that I have taken the path to independence with BILLA and that I can be there for my customers and my great team as a BILLA Kaufmann with immediate effect. I have been part of the BILLA family for nine years, most recently as BILLA store manager in Obersiebenbrunn near Gänserndorf. As a merchant, I can make my store more individual and further intensify my efforts to offer regional, seasonal products in particular. In doing so, I receive comprehensive support and security from BILLA, which is particularly important to me. My employees and I like to take time for our customers in order to offer the best service and advice. Be it recipe suggestions or personal discussions. The goal is to optimally adapt our diverse assortment to customer needs."

Brian Beck, BILLA Board Member for Wholesale and Merchants, emphasizes: "With Patrick Reiss, we welcome another independent BILLA Kaufmann with us and continue to take off with our BILLA Kaufleute model. Compared to other models, we focus on maximum security, risk protection and comprehensive support for our independent entrepreneurs. At BILLA, we stand by our merchants as a strong partner - even in times of crisis, of course."

BILLA Kaufleute model offers comprehensive support and a reliable safety net

The BILLA Kaufleute model is a unique concept in Austria that stands out above all for its strong backing and support, and significantly expands the BILLA portfolio alongside classic BILLA and BILLA PLUS stores. Today's opening further establishes this new, attractive and low-threshold opportunity for aspiring merchants, ensures the long-term security of the local infrastructure and spreads the merchant tradition even further in Austria.

BILLA stands by the merchants as a strong partner with advice and support. They benefit from the expertise and know-how of the BILLA family - for example, significantly in the coordination of important decisions such as investments. In addition, BILLA provides the joint companies with a balanced and attractively priced basic assortment, which offers additional support and security. BILLA also supports the retailers in the design of the stores, in purchasing, with strong private brands as well as a comprehensive network of suppliers, in questions of energy efficiency and provides technical support. In addition, BILLA merchants receive a service package with all the necessary tools to successfully manage the store.

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Address & opening hours:


Dreherstrasse 65, 1110 Vienna

Monday to Friday: 07:15 - 19:30

Saturday: 07:15 - 18:00 h