Press Release 24th October 2023

Apprentice Welcome Days: BILLA welcomed around 600 new junior employees in Austria

With more than 30,000 employees, the BILLA family is one of the largest employers in the country and, with currently around 1,700 apprentices in ten apprenticeship professions, also one of the largest training companies. In order to give the new recruits a good start in the working world, the grocer organized the Apprentice Welcome Days again this year. From October 3 to 19, 2023, around 600 apprentices from all provinces got to know the BILLA company better and had the opportunity to exchange ideas with their new colleagues at the regional events. The apprentice & junior staff development team, the regional apprentice support, the regional sales team and the works council were also on hand to welcome the apprentices.

Around 600 junior staff got to know the apprentice support and the regional sales team from Burgenland, among other places, at seven BILLA Welcome Days.

Around 600 junior staff got to know the apprentice support and the regional sales team from Burgenland, among other places, at seven BILLA Welcome Days. / Copyright: © BILLA / Robert Harson, Abdruck zu PR-Zwecken honorarfrei., Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


Harald Mießner, BILLA Board Member for Sales: "As one of the largest training providers in Austria, our focus is on offering professional training at the highest level as well as a wide range of opportunities for further development. Right from the start, we want to give our apprentices a good start to their careers, which we succeed in doing through the Welcome Days. We are very pleased that we were able to welcome around 600 new junior employees to the BILLA family this year. As part of our Welcome Days, the apprentices already got the opportunity to personally meet their contact persons who will accompany them during their apprenticeship, ask questions and get a first impression of their future workplace."

The program of welcome events was wide-ranging: In the morning, apprentices were given insights into the company as well as the numerous training and development opportunities during and also after their apprenticeship as part of a trade show. A wide variety of challenges and activities also provided plenty of fun and games. In the afternoon, the apprentices got to know the managers of their sales region and exchanged ideas. The day ended with a joint reflection on the experience and final group exercises to network with each other.

Broad range of training opportunities for personal career paths

The range of apprenticeships offered by BILLA and BILLA PLUS is as diverse as the personalities and interests of the apprentices. BILLA offers training in ten different apprenticeships such as retail sales representative, confectioner, system caterer and media specialist. It is also possible to do a double apprenticeship as a retail salesperson and office administrator. Depending on their interests, apprentices at BILLA can also complete an apprenticeship with a high school diploma or internships abroad. Vocational school graduations as well as apprenticeship exams with good results are rewarded with attractive bonuses. In addition, there is also the option of applying for the junior management program after successfully completing an apprenticeship.

Open positions can be viewed online at the REWE Group Jobbörse.