Press Release 26th March 2024

ADEG guarantees a unique Easter celebration with local specialities and all-round care

ADEG retailers have always had strong ties to their communities and are deeply rooted in their homeland. This connection becomes even clearer at Easter: the shelves in ADEG stores are filled with local specialities that express the culinary uniqueness of the regions and make gourmets' hearts beat faster. Customers can look forward not only to a wide selection of seasonal products, but also to expert advice and exclusive platter services that turn Easter into a true gourmet experience.

The shelves of ADEG merchant Walter Schmutterer junior from Reisenberg in the district of Baden also stock numerous local specialities at Easter that will make gourmets' hearts beat faster.

The shelves of ADEG merchant Walter Schmutterer junior from Reisenberg in the district of Baden also stock numerous local specialities at Easter that will make gourmets' hearts beat faster. / Copyright: © REWE Großhandel GmbH, Abdruck zu redaktionellen Zwecken honorarfrei, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


The combination of regionality, sustainability and good service makes ADEG merchants reliable contacts for anyone who favours quality and personal contact, even during the Easter period. An ideal example of this is ADEG merchant Walter Schmutterer junior from Reisenberg in the district of Baden, whose range includes 500 products from local businesses in the region: "For us, it is a matter close to our hearts to provide our customers with local products that not only impress with their quality, but also with their sustainability and origin. At the same time, we also attach great importance to ensuring that our customers receive the support they need for a unique Easter celebration. That's why our dedicated team is always happy to provide advice and assistance," explains the independent ADEG retailer.

Reliable plate and delivery service

It's not just the product range that makes ADEG retailers the ideal partners for Easter, but also the customer service in the stores. Whether it's the ideal spice for the rolled ham or the perfect preparation of Easter lamb - ADEG employees are always on hand to provide expert advice. If you want to spend the Easter period as stress-free as possible, you can also order professionally prepared festive platters digitally, by phone or in person at selected ADEG stores. You can also take advantage of the delivery service offered by numerous ADEG stores and have your shopping conveniently delivered to your doorstep. "Especially during the Easter period, our ADEG retailers emphasise the values that our company has always stood for: a passion for local food, a commitment to the region and a feeling for our fellow human beings. Through their social commitment and support for local producers, they make an indispensable contribution to their communities and value creation in the regions. Thanks to our ADEG retailers, Easter is not only a celebration of culinary delights, but also of local togetherness," says REWE Wholesale Managing Director Jürgen Öllinger.