Press Release 7th March 2024

PENNY gives fruit and vegetables a second chance

In keeping with the motto "Sustainability to go", all PENNY shops are now offering so-called PENNY Rescue Bags with fresh fruit and vegetables. With this initiative, PENNY wants to save as much fresh food as possible that can still be kept. This mainly concerns fruit and vegetables that no longer have their original packaging or whose packaging is damaged. The 3kg PENNY Rescue Bags, which cost 3 euros, are freshly packed every day and the contents are safe to eat.

PENNY Rescue bags

PENNY Rescue bags / Copyright: © PENNY / Robert Harson, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


In Austria, around one million tonnes of food ends up in the bin every year. PENNY has long been committed to saving food (together with social and charitable organisations such as Wiener Tafel). In 2023, an incredible 1,397,545 kg of food was saved. Now PENNY is saving food with another measure. From now on, employees will put fruit and vegetables that are in good condition and perfectly edible despite minor visual defects into paper carrier bags and sell them at a discounted fixed price of 3 euros. The aim is to give apples, bananas, peppers, potatoes and the like a second chance. Good to know: The PENNY Rescue Bags are only packed if there is excess stock or packaging damage. In this way, PENNY is also endeavouring to order according to demand in the shops in order to ensure efficient and sustainable use of resources.

"Our commitment to acting responsibly starts with us and extends to the way we manage our resources and products. In view of the urgent need to counteract food waste, we are sending out another important signal with the new PENNY Rescue Bag", confirms Kai Pataky, PENNY Austria Managing Director.

The PENNY Rescue Bags can be found directly in the fruit and vegetable department or in the immediate vicinity of the checkout and can be conveniently taken home in a paper bag. From now on and while stocks last. PENNY Rescue Bags with items from other product groups are also planned for the future.