Press Release 5th June 2024

Arnd Riehl renews REWE Group's HR department in Austria to “People & Culture”

At the beginning of the year, Arnd Riehl assumed overall responsibility for the HR agendas of REWE Group Retail International and reports to Marcel Haraszti, Member of the Management Board of REWE International AG, and Dr. Daniela Büchel, Member of the Management Board of REWE Group. The division is now being further developed into “People & Culture”.

f.l.t.r.: Marcel Haraszti and Arnd Riehl

f.l.t.r.: Marcel Haraszti and Arnd Riehl / Copyright: REWE Group / Robert Harson, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


The new name “People & Culture” replaces the previous “Human Resources” and is the program. In future, the focus will be even more strongly on the people and corporate cultures of the retail companies, logistics & production operations and the REWE Group headquarters in Austria.

"We see that the Austrian labour market is characterized by a high level of dynamic change. An acute shortage of labor due to demographic developments meets new forms of collaboration driven by technological developments,” says Haraszti. This results in new demands on the working environment - in terms of leadership, flexibility and collaboration. Issues that need to be resolved and reorganized in the best possible way. Haraszti continues: “We not only want and need to maintain our leading position in the labor market, but also expand it. Because we can only master the current and future challenges if we offer a stable, modern working environment, promote our talents and always put people at the center of everything we do. Our absolute strength is the diversity of our retail companies with a strong foundation, REWE Group."

Arnd Riehl has been working intensively on the focal points of a future-oriented “People & Culture” since the beginning of the year. Riehl has been with REWE Group since 2016, first as Head of Sales Discount National (PENNY) and later as CEO of BILLA Slovakia, before which he was CEO of METRO Group Advertising. On July 1, Riehl will take over the HR departments of the retail companies BILLA, BIPA and PENNY in addition to his previous responsibilities for the central departments, administration & accounting, recruiting and strategic HR management. There will also be a separate interface for supporting logistics and production operations.

"For our more than 47,000 colleagues, we are creating a ‘People & Culture’ unit with clear responsibilities and accountability for the retail companies and head office. We are pooling expertise in the area of strategic HR management and strengthening the areas of logistics and production by setting up a new division,” says Riehl, explaining the key points of the new structure.

About the person:

In 2016, Arnd Riehl (54) joined REWE Group in Germany as Head of Sales Discount National (PENNY); in October 2020, he moved to BILLA Slovakia as CEO. Before joining REWE Group, Arnd Riehl was CEO of METRO Group Advertising. This position was preceded by management functions at Metro Cash & Carry, which included a three-year stint in China.