Press Release 19th September 2024

Successful launch of REWE Group's first SUSTAINABILITY CORSO

Experts and interested parties met at REWE Group's SUSTAINABILITY CORSO in the BILLA Corso wine bar in Vienna's city center to discuss sustainable projects and forward-looking innovations. The focus was on REWE Group's commitment, which documents its initiatives in its 11th sustainability report. The company is living up to its pioneering role in many areas, both in its product range and in store construction.

f.l.t.r. Tanja Dietrich-Hübner (Senior Adviser Sustainability Corporate Communications and Public Affairs & Board Member BILLA non-profit private foundation Blühendes Österreich) Robert Nagele (BILLA Executive Board), Felicia Beck (Sustainability Group Manager), Andreas Steidl (Ja! Natürlich Managing Director), Sunsanne Formanek (Managing Director of GRÜNSTATTGRAU GmbH), Ronald Würflinger (Blühendes Österreich Secretary General)

f.l.t.r. Tanja Dietrich-Hübner (Senior Adviser Sustainability Corporate Communications and Public Affairs & Board Member BILLA non-profit private foundation Blühendes Österreich) Robert Nagele (BILLA Executive Board), Felicia Beck (Sustainability Group Manager), Andreas Steidl (Ja! Natürlich Managing Director), Sunsanne Formanek (Managing Director of GRÜNSTATTGRAU GmbH), Ronald Würflinger (Blühendes Österreich Secretary General) / Copyright: © REWE Group / Thomas Magyar, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


REWE supports sustainable energy transition

REWE Group has been relying on green electricity at all locations since 2008 and currently operates 291 photovoltaic systems with a total output of 25,000 kWp, which generate around 26 GWh of electricity per year - enough for around 6,500 households. Photovoltaic systems are standard in new buildings and conversions, and the aim is to increase the proportion of in-house production tenfold by 2030 compared to 2020. In addition, more and more solar carports are being used to generate electricity despite stricter construction and legal requirements. The efficient use of the electricity generated is currently supported by 30 energy storage units with a capacity of 1,500 kWh. These measures are a contribution to the sustainable design of urban spaces.

“For us, sustainability means setting ambitious goals and pursuing them consistently. With our extensive measures, such as the expansion of photovoltaic systems and the creation of environmentally friendly infrastructure, we are taking the next step towards a greener future,” says Marcel Haraszti, CEO of REWE International AG.

“With our ecological construction methods and innovative projects, we are making a visible contribution to sustainable business every day. The SUSTAINABILITY CORSO shows how important it is to work together for a greener future and to put concrete solutions into practice,” emphasized Robert Nagele, the member of the BILLA Management Board responsible for sustainability agendas.

Responsibility practiced at all levels

One example of the extensive activities in the area of sustainability is the non-profit nature and species conservation foundation “Blühendes Österreich”, which was founded by REWE International and BILLA in 2015 and is committed to biodiversity and climate protection. Blühendes Österreich supports around 300 farmers, nature conservation organizations, municipalities, NGOs and civil society initiatives that protect our habitats, animals and plants through responsible agriculture and valuable nature conservation projects.

The sustainability claim is also reflected in the product range. “Even in difficult economic times, we have continued to expand our organic range, remained true to our pioneering role in the plant-based range, further expanded partnerships with farmers from the region, promoted food rescue initiatives and invested in sustainable products,” says Marcel Haraszti.

BIPA is increasingly focusing on sustainable products and offers items bearing the Greenpeace seal of approval under the green label. The own brand “bi good” stands for environmentally friendly and regional packaging as well as sustainable ingredients that are subject to strict certifications.

ADEG is launching a campaign to reduce waste with the resource-saving reusable carrier bag “BÖNUS-Sackerl”. Customers who use a registered BÖNUS bag will receive 5 additional Ös as a reward for purchases of 10 euros or more. In this way, ADEG wants to promote the reusable use of carrier bags and contribute to environmental protection. ADEG is also sending out a strong signal against food waste with various initiatives by its retailers.

PENNY has been supporting the PENNY Family Relief Fund of the Austrian Red Cross since 2011 and calls on its customers to make donations twice a year. Proceeds from shopping bags and loyalty campaigns also flow into the donation pot. In 2023, around 188,000 euros were collected to benefit families in need in Austria.

Sustainable greening as the key to climate protection at REWE

REWE Group is investing around 500 million euros in its stores in the current business year alone, the majority of which will go towards greening the stores. The early integration of outdoor facility planning for the sustainable design of façade, roof and parking lot greening is a key issue, particularly in the planning and design of supermarkets. With this in mind, BILLA has developed an internal greening manual designed as a guideline for questions relating to greening. It contains nature-based solutions that not only improve the appearance of the stores, but also contribute to climate adaptation, biodiversity and water management. The timely integration of these measures into the planning phases can ultimately optimize costs and ensure the long-term performance of green spaces.

Pioneering pilot projects

This year, BILLA will open its “greenest” store in Austria in Vienna Donaustadt. Measures ranging from the use of rainwater for green spaces to the promotion of tree growth in parking lots not only improve the microclimate, but also the quality of stay for customers and employees.

Greening buildings as the key to a sustainable future

In her presentation at SUSTAINABILITY CORSO, Susanne Formanek, Managing Director of GRÜNSTATTGRAU GmbH, showed how building greening not only contributes to the aesthetic enhancement of buildings, but also brings concrete ecological benefits. “Green buildings make a valuable contribution to climate adaptation in cities. They store water, improve air quality, provide a habitat for plants and animals and have an optimizing effect on buildings. They also help to reduce particulate matter and noise emissions and promote biodiversity in urban areas,” explained Formanek in her presentation.

You can find out more about REWE Group's extensive sustainability measures and its forward-looking projects in the new Sustainability Report 2023 (REWE Group - Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023).