Press Release 23rd March 2021

Freshly harvested from Austria: First regional vegetables of the season

Customers throughout Austria can now find fresh cucumbers and crunchy peppers from Burgenland at BILLA, MERKUR, ADEG* and PENNY. The vegetables are the first local harvest of the year and come from the Seewinkel region.

Customers throughout Austria can now find fresh cucumbers and crunchy peppers from Burgenland at BILLA, MERKUR, ADEG and PENNY

Customers throughout Austria can now find fresh cucumbers and crunchy peppers from Burgenland at BILLA, MERKUR, ADEG and PENNY / Copyright: REWE Group / Harson, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


Spring is just around the corner and heralds the beginning of the harvest of the first Austrian seasonal vegetables. This is also the case at Perlinger Gemüse in Wallern in northern Burgenland, where cucumbers and green peppers are already ripe and delivered dewy fresh to BILLA and MERKUR. Yellow and red peppers, which take a little longer to ripen, will follow in a few days. The fresh vegetables from the Seewinkel region are available throughout Austria at BILLA, MERKUR, ADEG and PENNY markets. 

"The first harvest of the year is always something very special for us and so far we are very satisfied with the yield despite the rather colder weather conditions in the past weeks."

Patrick Haider Managing Director Perlinger Vegetables

"The first harvest of the year is always something very special for us and so far we are very satisfied with the yield despite the rather colder weather conditions in the past weeks," explains Patrick Haider, Managing Director of Perlinger Vegetables. The family business cultivates around 36 hectares for vegetable production. Peppers are grown on 11 hectares and can be cut until the end of November. Fresh cucumbers grow on 9 hectares and are in season until the end of September. 

A total of about 95,000 tonnes of local fruit and vegetables find their way onto the shelves of BILLA, MERKUR, ADEG and PENNY every year - a large part of it from Burgenland.   

Under the private label "Da komm' ich her" ("That's where I'm from"), BILLA, MERKUR and ADEG not only offer numerous regional fruits and vegetables, but also herbs and flowers directly from the regions. "Austrian products are in great demand among our customers all year round. We are continuously expanding our assortment in this respect and are also trying to work together with suppliers on a targeted regional level", said Marcel Haraszti, REWE International AG Executive Board Member. 

"Short distances from the field to the supermarket guarantee optimal freshness and quality."

Michael Jäger Executive Board Member REWE International AG

PENNY also offers its customers the opportunity to get to know and appreciate the high quality of regional foods with its own brand "Ich bin Österreich" ("I am Austria"). "Short distances from the field to the supermarket guarantee optimal freshness and quality. For this reason, we have been promoting regional products for years and are thus giving an additional boost to sustainable consumption in Austria", says Michael Jäger, REWE International AG Executive Board Member. 

* Participating ADEG retailers