BILLA online shop now delivers by e-bike in the city of Salzburg
Orders from the BILLA online shop are now delivered in the city of Salzburg by e-cargo bike as well. Two cargo bikes from the German start-up ecoCARRIER are in use for this purpose, with the aim of completing the "last mile" as environmentally friendly as possible and overcoming it with economic success.
From left: Asima Ibric (BILLA E-Commerce Salzburg), Hannes Gruber (BILLA Head of Sales), Rabia Merdzic (BILLA Store Manager Linzer Bundesstraße 104) and Felix Köndgen (BILLA E-bike supplier) are happy about the innovative e-bikes in Salzburg / Copyright: BILLA / Harson, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge
Download"With the two e-bikes, we would like to make a contribution to relieving the burden on Salzburg's inner city, which is heavily affected by traffic.”