Press Release 17th March 2022

Career start at PENNY - apprentices give tips on starting an apprenticeship

Achieving more together - under this motto, PENNY trains young people in two apprenticeships throughout Austria and thus offers young talents the chance for a successful career. Since choosing the right apprenticeship and preparing for the interview play an important role right at the beginning of one's career, PENNY apprentices provide valuable tips to all interested parties.

Achieving more together - under this motto, PENNY trains young people in two apprenticeships throughout Austria and thus offers young talents the chance for a successful career.

Achieving more together - under this motto, PENNY trains young people in two apprenticeships throughout Austria and thus offers young talents the chance for a successful career. / Copyright: PENNY / Harson, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


"Apprenticeship at PENNY? Simply nice!" - this is what the experienced PENNY apprentices say, who are now available to provide information and tips for interested young people. In addition to benefits such as bonuses or payment for a driving licence and exciting activities, the new apprentices can expect a good working atmosphere, numerous opportunities for advancement and a lot of fun with their colleagues. "Our apprentices are the managers of tomorrow. They are already an important and committed part of our branch teams during their training and take on responsibility. We support them in writing their own success stories," says PENNY CEO Ralf Teschmit about the apprenticeship at the brand discounter. 

"Our apprentices are the managers of tomorrow. We support them in writing their own success stories."

Ralf Teschmit PENNY CEO

The PENNY career ladder 

Finding the right apprenticeship is often not easy. It is important to inform oneself and gain experience in advance through internships or through friends and family who work in the same field. "It has always been my dream job to be a saleswoman in the food trade. When I was a child, I loved helping my parents sell fruit and vegetables from our garden - even today I enjoy looking after the fresh food at the market stall the most. When I was looking for an apprenticeship, a co-worker from my local PENNY branch encouraged me to apply," says apprentice N. from Vienna about her career start at PENNY. In the next five years, N. would like to pass through various management positions with the goal of taking over her own shop soon. 

M., who is completing her apprenticeship as a retail saleswoman in Pöggstall, also has big plans for the future: "I have always been a PENNY customer, the staff has always been very accommodating and caring. I then submitted my application online via the Internet and additionally in the branch. In the next few years, I would like to take over the management of a branch after completing my apprenticeship." K. from Pernitz has already realised this dream. In 2017, she started her career at PENNY and was promoted to deputy branch manager already in her third year of apprenticeship. Shortly after completing her apprenticeship, K. even took over the management of the branch and is now responsible for the entire team. 

PENNY is the only discount store in Austria to offer its customers a personal butcher service, which prepares 100% Austrian pork and beef according to individual wishes. PENNY butchers pass on their knowledge to their younger colleagues as part of their training to become meat sellers, thus ensuring the continuity of the apprenticeship profession. "Ever since I was a little child, I have been fascinated by the job of a butcher. My father is also a butcher at PENNY and I always liked what he told me about his work. Now we both find fulfilment in our job together every day," says apprentice butcher R. from Vienna. 

Apprenticeship with a future 

Once the perfect apprenticeship has been found, many applicants often feel nervous before the interview. "The most important thing is to enjoy the work and to inform yourself thoroughly beforehand," advises apprentice R. "My tip to all applicants: Don't get stressed," adds M.   

PENNY currently trains apprentices in two professions: retail salesperson and meat salesperson. In addition to a well-founded vocational training, PENNY offers apprentices an above-average salary, bonuses, payment for the B driving licence, extensive further training in the PENNY Apprentice Academy and other benefits, such as the possibility of an internship abroad or the apprenticeship with Matura.   

More information about apprenticeships at PENNY and current job offers can be found at