Press Release 23rd August 2022

New campaign: ADEG merchants live sustainability

When it comes to sustainability, ADEG merchants have been pioneers for generations. They live in harmony with the people in their region and the seasonal conditions. ADEG's current campaign focuses on this idea of sustainability and highlights the responsible actions of ADEG merchants.

ADEG merchants have had a sense of what the country and its people need for generations.

ADEG merchants have had a sense of what the country and its people need for generations. / Copyright: ADEG / Jakwerth, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


Their thoughtful way of life extends from relationships with their regional suppliers with short delivery routes for products to the careful use of resources.

"At ADEG, mindfulness is not a fad, but a living tradition. Our independent ADEG traders were already sustainable long before it became a trend," emphasises CEO Brian Beck. The regional roots and the responsibility towards the people particularly distinguish the ADEG merchants - just like their passion for food and their environmentally conscious attitude. They have a sense of what the country and its people need that has been anchored for generations. "This is sustainability as our ADEG merchants have always lived it," explains Brian Beck.

Our independent ADEG traders were already sustainable long before it became a trend.

Brian Beck CEO ADEG

In doing so, they always keep an eye on a resource-conserving cycle. In a sustainable circular economy, products and materials are used in such a way that they provide benefits over as long a period as possible and are recycled.

Where you can feel sustainability with every purchase

The current ADEG campaign picks up on the mindful behaviour of ADEG merchants, which includes ecological, social and economic aspects. In a 360° advertising campaign, everything revolves around the topic of sustainability. In addition to the online presence, flyer and posters, the campaign also includes TV spots in which independent ADEG traders from different federal states are portrayed in TV spots. The ADEG retailers make sustainability tangible and tangible when shopping in their stores. With statements like "We really want everyone to feel good. Because it's not a product, it's an animal", or "Everyone wants to go back to the country. But we've never been anywhere else", ADEG merchants throughout Austria stand for an authentic, but also modern way of life. Numerous ADEG stores are already equipped with innovative technology devices, such as modern refrigeration technology and e-charging stations. This enables environmentally friendly and energy-efficient management. "Our model traders also show initiative and install photovoltaic systems on the roofs of their stores or heat recovery pumps in order to use energy as carefully as possible. ADEG merchant Johannes Binder from Lower Austria even completes his delivery trips with his electric-powered cargo bike," says Brian Beck enthusiastically.