Press Release 11th March 2024

"Steirerloab": Regional cooperation brings unique bread to the shelves of BILLA in Styria and Burgenland

Around 2,800 regional and local producers supply BILLA and BILLA PLUS stores throughout Austria with around 25,000 products. In Styria, BILLA relies on partnerships with over 400 local suppliers. The partnership with the Köck bakery from Mürzzuschlag sets new standards in bread culture with the "Steirerloab" developed especially for and with BILLA.

From left to right: Robert Köck, Peter Gschiel (BILLA Sales Director Styria), Josef Bauer-Gruber (Group Manager Regionality) and Dominik Köck.

From left to right: Robert Köck, Peter Gschiel (BILLA Sales Director Styria), Josef Bauer-Gruber (Group Manager Regionality) and Dominik Köck. / Copyright: © BILLA / Ivan Bandic, Abdruck zu PR-Zwecken honorarfrei., Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


BILLA employees worked with the Köck bakery to develop three different breads typical of Styria for the "Steirerloab". The decision as to which of the products would make it onto the shelves at BILLA was made by the entire sales team on the basis of a comparative tasting. The "Steirerloab" emerged as the clear winner and is now available in all BILLA and BILLA PLUS stores in Styria and southern Burgenland. "The 'Steirerloab' is traditionally made with natural sourdough and is rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre. No additives or baking agents are used. The wholemeal rye meal is swollen by pre-cooking and is therefore particularly digestible and easy to digest," explains Josef Bauer-Gruber, Group Manager Regionality.

The partnerships and collaborations with local suppliers are very important to Peter Gschiel, BILLA Sales Director: "Regional businesses, such as the Köck bakery from Mürzzuschlag, epitomise exactly what we at BILLA live every day: The best local supply. We are very proud that we have now created a new type of bread, 'Steirerloab', which is available exclusively in BILLA stores."