Press Release 10th June 2024

Because every region is different: ADEG campaign focuses on the uniqueness of ADEG retailers

As different as the regions of Austria are, so unique are the markets of the independent ADEG retailers. With the current campaign, ADEG is drawing attention to the different characteristics of the regions in Austria and putting the individual services of ADEG retailers centre stage. In doing so, ADEG emphasises the importance of its independent retailers for a functioning village community. Their regional roots make ADEG merchants an indispensable component as reliable local suppliers and bearers of social responsibility for the country and its people. As part of the interactive summer campaign, customers can also tell their own stories about the uniqueness of their local ADEG store.

ADEG saleswoman Jasmin Gratzer from Weitensfeld (Carinthia).

ADEG saleswoman Jasmin Gratzer from Weitensfeld (Carinthia). / Copyright: © REWE Großhandel GmbH/Marian & Co GmbH, Abdruck zu redaktionellen Zwecken honorarfrei, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


The typical ADEG store? There is no such thing. ADEG merchants combine entrepreneurship with a love of the region and local people. This makes every ADEG store unique with its regional range and individual services. This includes, for example, deliveries to the doorstep or freshly prepared daily specialities to support local people - sustainable services that are tailored to the needs of the people in the various regions. This creates a valuable sense of community that can be felt and experienced in many communities.

Unique shopping experience  

"Deeply rooted in their regions, no one knows the needs of the people better than our ADEG merchants, who create unique shopping experiences for their region with their different characters and personalised markets. With their regional and seasonal range - peppered with many home-made products - they focus on the best local quality," emphasises REWE Wholesale Managing Director Jürgen Öllinger. Every ADEG store offers local specialities from the surrounding area, which are carefully selected by the merchants. This promotes the value chain with local farmers and producers and provides the best for customers. No matter in which province - ADEG's diversity extends from the mountain peak to the valley floor.

ADEG retailers as Austria-wide TV testimonials

In the new campaign, ADEG is focussing on the involvement of its independent retailers. The advert gives an insight into the lives of ADEG salesman Peter Putzhammer from Großgmain (Salzburg), ADEG saleswoman Jasmin Gratzer from Weitensfeld (Carinthia) and ADEG salesman Thomas Höfer from Schlierbach (Upper Austria). The TV commercial shows how freshly picked local vegetables from the neighbouring field are delivered to the ADEG store in Großgmain and received by Peter Putzhammer. The film continues with Jasmin Gratzer, who is walking through Weitensfeld with her mother and stops in front of her ADEG store: "As an ADEG saleswoman, I want to preserve tradition and at the same time create something new and sustainable," she reveals. This is followed by a cut to Thomas Höfer, who is currently supplying a delicious delicatessen platter to the maypole erection in Schlierbach. Community and solidarity are particularly important to the businessman. Peter Putzhammer, Jasmin Gratzer and Thomas Höfer are therefore representative of all regionally anchored ADEG merchants who put their hearts and individual efforts into their community every day.

Competition: "Why is your ADEG store unique?"

As part of the new campaign, there is also a competition in which ADEG customers are invited to make short videos explaining why their local ADEG store is so special or unique. After the submission phase (9 June to 20 July 2024), the best customer impressions will be edited into a highlight video and published and advertised on ADEG's online channels. Five €500 ADEG shopping vouchers will be raffled off among all submissions to .