Press Release 22nd July 2024

SkillsFactory24: REWE Group apprentices strengthen their social skills

On 17 and 18 July, REWE Group in Austria hosted this year's Skills Factory in Schladming, an established apprentice event to promote personal and social skills. Over 440 apprentices from all federal states and all retail companies took part, accompanied by around 25 guests of honour, including all the managing directors of the training companies from all over Austria.

REWE Group apprentices from all over Austria take part in the SkillsFactory24 together with top managers

REWE Group apprentices from all over Austria take part in the SkillsFactory24 together with top managers / Copyright: © Susi Berger - Abdruck zu redaktionellen Zwecken honorarfrei, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


Once a year, REWE Group invites all apprentices from BILLA, BILLA PLUS, PENNY, BIPA, ADEG, Sutterlüty and the training companies at the head office to a personality seminar. This year, the apprentices had the opportunity to take part in 22 different workshops. The seminars ranged from "Rock your life with a musical star" to "Animal confidence with alpacas and huskies" and "Me and the others - all people".

"Our employees and apprentices are all given the opportunity to receive personalised training according to their interests, motivation and aptitude. We focus on the development of our colleagues at an early stage and offer a comprehensive training programme," says Arnd Riehl, Head of REWE Group "People & Culture". Marcel Haraszti, Member of the Management Board of REWE International AG, adds: "These two days are particularly valuable for young people, as they learn important social skills for work and everyday life in a team environment. We also offer our apprentices the opportunity to exchange ideas directly with top management." Around 25 top managers - including all Management Board members and managing directors of the retail companies and central divisions of REWE Group in Austria - were present and attended the workshops together with the apprentices.

REWE Group Austria is currently training around 2,300 apprentices in 20 different professions. Up to 1,200 new apprentices are to be taken on this year as well. The apprenticeships cover retail with a focus on food retailing, perfumery and delicatessen sales as well as the additional specialisation "Digital Sales". Other areas of training include food technician, company logistics clerk, metal technology/mechanical engineering technology, system catering specialist and confectioner. PENNY also offers an apprenticeship as a meat sales assistant.

REWE International AG offers training in line with the latest standards. In addition, there are numerous further training programmes and opportunities for advancement within REWE Group Austria. Apprentices also benefit from extras such as bonuses for special achievements, internships abroad, excursions and pay above the collective agreement.

Interested parties can apply directly via the REWE International AG job portal Further information on apprenticeships at REWE International AG can be found here: