Press Release 2nd August 2024

Support for people with autism: BILLA implements "Silent Hour" in 17 stores

Lots of lights, market announcements, beeps at the checkout and other people are simply part of everyday shopping - especially at peak times. However, these stimuli pose a major challenge for people with autism. This is why BILLA has introduced the "quiet hour" in the interests of inclusion and social interaction. During this period, acoustic and visual stimuli are minimised for customers with autism. The first BILLA store to implement these measures since 2021 is located at Goldeggasse 19 in Vienna's 4th district. After consistently positive feedback from autistic customers and their relatives, eight stores in Burgenland, Upper Austria, Styria and Carinthia have followed suit in the last two years. BILLA is now introducing the "Quiet Hour" in a further eight locations, bringing it to Lower Austria and Salzburg.

f.l.t.r.: Vahti Tekin (BILLA store manager Gentzgasse 52), Alexander Poropatits-Anderl (BILLA sales manager), Robert Zöchling, (deputy head of the 18th district of Vienna), Therese Zöttl (educational director and deputy chairman of Rainman's Home) and Anton Diestelberger (chairman of Rainman's Home). District of the City of Vienna), Therese Zöttl (Head of Education and Deputy Chairman of Rainman's Home) and Anton Diestelberger (Chairman of Rainman's Home) are delighted about the start of the

f.l.t.r.: Vahti Tekin (BILLA store manager Gentzgasse 52), Alexander Poropatits-Anderl (BILLA sales manager), Robert Zöchling, (deputy head of the 18th district of Vienna), Therese Zöttl (educational director and deputy chairman of Rainman's Home) and Anton Diestelberger (chairman of Rainman's Home). District of the City of Vienna), Therese Zöttl (Head of Education and Deputy Chairman of Rainman's Home) and Anton Diestelberger (Chairman of Rainman's Home) are delighted about the start of the "Silent Hour" at the BILLA store at Gentzgasse 52 in Vienna-Währing. / Copyright: © BILLA / Robert Harson, Abdruck zu redaktionellen Zwecken honorarfrei., Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


Hamed Mohseni, BILLA Sales Director: "The shopping experience at BILLA should be accessible to everyone in our society. After the 'Silent Hour' was so well received by our autistic customers, it was the next logical step to expand this concept to other stores. To this end, we worked with certified organisations for people with autism and provided our teams in the stores with comprehensive training in order to cater to individual needs in the best possible way."

Alexander Poropatits-Anderl, BILLA Sales Manager: "After the 'Silent Hour' was introduced in a test phase at the BILLA store in Goldeggasse in the 4th district in 2021, two other stores in Vienna have adopted the concept following the great feedback. These include the BILLA at Gentzgasse 52 in the 18th district, for which we worked together with the Währing organisation Rainman's Home. By working closely together, we were able to create the ideal conditions for customers with autism."

Robert Zöchling, Deputy District Head of Währing: "Especially in densely built-up and therefore often very noisy areas with a lot of hustle and bustle, measures are needed that can make everyday life easier for neurodivergent people. I am delighted that BILLA's ''Silent Hour'' project is also being implemented in Währing in cooperation with Rainman's Home, thus enabling a significant improvement in shopping for people with autism. An important step towards a self-determined lifestyle."

Acoustic and visual stimuli are reduced for customers with autism

The BILLA teams in the participating stores were sensitised to the " Silent Hour" by the associations and optimally prepared. The special requirements of autistic customers were discussed during training sessions and the appropriate measures were developed together. For example, radio, advertising and market announcements are avoided in favour of a quiet environment. As even minimal physical contact can be challenging for autistic people, delicatessen orders, for example, are placed on the counter instead of being handed over in person. In addition, even more attention is paid to the speed of the checkout during the " silent hour" so that the purchased products can be put away in peace. Customers who are particularly sensitive to light will be provided with free sunglasses, disinfected for safety reasons, for their purchases. The "quiet hour" takes place daily in the afternoon away from peak times, as many other people in the store can be a source of stress for autistic people. Depending on the location, the ideal time for the ' Silent Hour' was determined and scheduled.

Anton Diestelberger, Chairman of the Rainman's Home association: "We specialise in day structures for people with autism or other similar disabilities. Advising BILLA on the implementation of the ''silent hour'' is a matter close to our hearts. Establishing the concept is essential to promote the autonomy and independence of those affected and is an important step towards greater inclusion. Together with BILLA and the 'Silent Hour', we are able to significantly improve the quality of life of autistic people."

The "Silent Hour" is available from Monday to Saturday in the following markets:


  • BILLA PLUS | Wiener Straße 120, Neusiedl | 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

  • BILLA | Neufelder Straße 21, Hornstein | 1 to 2 p.m.


  • BILLA | Hauptstraße 221, Krumpendorf | 3 to 4 p.m.

  • BILLA | Ebentalerstraße 55, Klagenfurt | 3 to 4 p.m.

  • BILLA | 10. Oktober Straße 25, Klagenfurt | 3 to 4 p.m.

  • BILLA | Klagenfurter Straße 38, Völkermarkt | 2 to 3 p.m.

  • BILLA | Dreschnigstraße 31, Villach | 2 to 3 p.m.

  • BILLA | Maria-Gailer-Straße 37, Villach | 2 to 3 p.m.


  • BILLA PLUS | Raiffeisenstraße 20, Salzburg | 2 to 3 p.m.

  • BILLA | Maxglaner Hauptstraße 18, Salzburg | 2 to 3 p.m.

Lower Austria:

  • BILLA | Siegfrid Markus Straße 18, Biedermannsdorf | 3 to 4 p.m.

  • BILLA | Bahnhofstraße 193, Pitten | 2 to 3 p.m.

Upper Austria:

  • BILLA PLUS | Lindengasse 16, Linz | 4 to 5 p.m.


  • BILLA | Theodor Körner Straße 122, Graz | 2 to 3 p.m.


  • BILLA | Goldeggasse 19, 1050 Vienna | 2 to 3 p.m.

  • BILLA | Sterngasse 3, 1230 Vienna | 2 to 3 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

  • BILLA | Gentzgasse 52, 1180 Vienna | 2 to 3 p.m.