Press Release 12th September 2024

30 years of Ja! Natürlich: The success story of organic world champion Austria has a future

“The 30th birthday of Ja! Natürlich is the perfect occasion to look back on the success story of bio in Austria - and to make it clear that this story is far from over. What began at BILLA in 1994 with the vision of offering all our customers affordable organic products of the highest quality has helped make Austria the organic world champion today,” says Marcel Haraszti, CEO of REWE International AG, with conviction. With 27 percent of agricultural land farmed organically (source: Eurostat), Austria is the EU leader and the enthusiasm for organic is also reflected in purchasing behavior: 80 percent of Austrian consumers regularly buy products from organic farming.

from left to right: Erwin Unger, Marcel Haraszti, Klaudia Atzmüller, Franz Fischler and Andreas Steidl

from left to right: Erwin Unger, Marcel Haraszti, Klaudia Atzmüller, Franz Fischler and Andreas Steidl / Copyright: © Christian Dusek - Abbilung für redaktionelle Zwecken honorarfrei, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


“Even the current challenging economic times have not changed this - the growth curve of Ja! Natürlich continues to rise. This is because organic products are less affected by price increases and customers have the utmost confidence in the organic pioneer. They share our conviction that we must treat our soil, animals, biodiversity and the climate responsibly when producing food. This is what Ja! Natürlich has stood for for 30 years and this mission is certainly not losing its strength and relevance in times of a global climate crisis,” emphasizes Haraszti.

More than just organic: Ja! Natürlich has been setting the highest standards for 30 years

Ja! Natürlich is not satisfied with the legal organic standard, but sets higher standards in almost all areas. “This is only possible in close partnerships with organic farmers who share our conviction. In agriculture, organic is also a way of life and, for some, a risk. Since its foundation, Ja! Natürlich has therefore stood for long-term cooperation and the joint further development of quality criteria,” Ja! Natürlich Managing Director Andreas Steidl summarizes. Ja! Natürlich can point to numerous milestones in a wide variety of areas, each of which has had a formative influence on the entire industry. For example, the highest animal welfare standards were developed during the three decades of pioneering work: introduced back in 2018, Ja! Natürlich is still the only organic brand in the country where dairy cows are guaranteed free range around the clock, 365 days a year. As early as 2013, Ja! Natürlich began putting an end to the killing of male chicks in egg production back in 2013, and the entire domestic organic sector followed suit in 2016. Back in 2001, Ja! Natürlich started a showcase project for species-appropriate husbandry with free-range pigs in the Waldviertel region, which is still unique in Austria today. “Together with the Austrian farmers involved, we were not only able to realize the substantial further development of guidelines and introduce innovative products, but have also managed to increase volumes by over 100% over the past 15 years - for which the Ja! Natürlich farmers deserve a big thank you for this,” says Andreas Steidl.

Ja! Natürlich as a driver in the success story of organic world champion Austria

The fact that Ja! Natürlich was a pioneer of organic farming and a role model for Austria in organic farming in Europe immediately after Austria's accession to the European Union in 1995 is also confirmed by Franz Fischler, Minister of Agriculture in the year the brand was founded and shortly afterwards EU Commissioner for Agriculture. “There was no regulation for organic at that time, but there were a few scandals and little consumer confidence in organic food. The trade helped to develop the guidelines and was more ambitious than legislators and associations right from the start - this is how organic was brought out of its niche. Today, organic is very well established in Austria, but still needs to develop further. It will be crucial to remain innovative, not to turn a blind eye to new technologies and digitalization and to significantly increase the organic content of processed products. There is still a lot to do!”, Franz Fischer appeals to the domestic organic scene.

Pioneering work requires staying power and partnership at eye level

As a pioneer, Ja! Natürlich has maintained its innovative spirit and is constantly developing new products of the highest organic quality in cooperation with producers. Especially those that were previously not available in large quantities from domestic production. The most prominent example of the many exotic products that Ja! Natürlich has brought to Austria over the years is organic rice. Organic farmer Erwin Unger from Seewinkel in Burgenland started growing rice domestically almost ten years ago, and since 2016 it has been an integral part of the Ja! Natürlich range throughout Austria. “Today, rice from Austria has almost become normal - back then, many people reacted with a shake of the head. Experiments like this are only possible with a strong partner at your side - I have found this partner in Ja! Natürlich I have found this partner. This requires not only a shared vision, but also patience and perseverance. After all, innovations don't happen overnight, but are a lengthy process, characterized by setbacks and adjustments until you reach your goal. And innovation never stops,” says Erwin Unger, describing the collaboration.

Ja! Natürlich celebrates its birthday: 30 products in the anniversary edition

Generations have grown up with Ja! Natürlich - the brand enjoys the trust of Austrians. The success after 30 years of continuous sales growth to EUR 585 million in 2023 is also reflected in the high proportion of organic products in many important product groups. Overall, the organic share in BILLA and BILLA Plus in the food sector is around 12%. However, this figure is already over 30% for whole milk, just under 27% for beef, 30% for vegetables and around 26% for eggs. BILLA's organic share of baked goods from the counter is already over 50%. And the proportion of Ja! Natürlich is already high in some cases - e.g. 36% for bread cubes. “On the one hand, this underlines the great potential that Ja! Natürlich still has. At the same time, it demonstrates the great focus that BILLA and BILLA PLUS place on organic - because, according to our surveys, a third of customers come to BILLA because of Ja! Natürlich!”, emphasizes Klaudia Atzmüller, Managing Director of Ja! Natürlich. To mark the anniversary, customers can also look forward to 30 products in an exclusive anniversary design by young Austrian artist Nana Prieler. The selection includes classics such as hay flower milk, natural yogurt and eggs, which exemplify the achievements of Ja! Natürlich's achievements in the areas of animal welfare, climate protection, biodiversity and the preservation of healthy soils. “We are also launching a number of new products on the shelves for the anniversary - such as organic edamame from Lower Austria and pumpkin miso paste made from local pumpkin seeds. Trendy products that we offer from Austrian origin and in high organic quality. They symbolize the pioneering spirit of Ja! Natürlich's pioneering spirit, which is unbroken even after 30 years and will continue to drive us forward,” Klaudia Atzmüller is convinced.