Press Release 26th July 2024

BILLA and Betriebsservice promote inclusion in the workplace in Enns

As part of the Inclusion Week from 22 to 26 July 2024, people with disabilities had the opportunity to get a taste of the world of work at BILLA at the BILLA PLUS store at Landstraße 2A in Enns. The aim of the campaign was to familiarise the participants with the world of food retail through several workshops and subsequently help them find an apprenticeship or job.

BILLA Sales Director Thomas Steingruber (far right) and Upper Austria's State Councillor for Social Affairs Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer (far left) were enthusiastic about the Inclusion Week.

BILLA Sales Director Thomas Steingruber (far right) and Upper Austria's State Councillor for Social Affairs Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer (far left) were enthusiastic about the Inclusion Week. / Copyright: © Land Oberösterreich/Daniela Sternberger, Abdruck zu PR-Zwecken honorarfrei., Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


"At BILLA, we attach great importance to inclusion and the promotion of diversity in our team. The collaboration with Betriebsservice Oberösterreich and the organisation of the Inclusion Week in Enns are important steps towards offering people with disabilities career prospects," says BILLA Sales Director Thomas Steingruber. Petra Hofer from Betriebsservice Oberösterreich emphasises the importance of inclusive working environments and innovative formats: "The Inclusion Week at BILLA PLUS in Enns is an excellent example of how companies can break new ground in recruiting in order to find suitable employees. People with disabilities have the opportunity to openly try out which jobs suit their interests and skills. We hope that many other companies will follow this example."

"We are delighted that we were able to organise such a successful Inclusion Week in such a short space of time. The positive response shows how important such initiatives are in offering people with disabilities career prospects," said Sabine Petzold, Senior Specialist Recruiting at REWE Group Austria and Markus Mayrhofer, BILLA Sales Manager in Upper Austria, who organised the event in just four weeks. Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer, Upper Austria's State Councillor for Social Affairs, added: "With the 'Work and Inclusion' process, we have taken concrete measures in the social affairs department to give more people with disabilities a chance on the labour market. Most recently, we presented the new Inclusion Service Centre, a one-stop shop that is unique in Austria and actively brings companies and people with disabilities together. The inclusion week organised by BILLA and Betriebsservice is the first flagship project of this inclusion service point and a prime example of how inclusion can work in the labour market. This means that the first measures from our 'Work and Inclusion' process are taking effect."

Support from business and local politics

The inclusion week at BILLA PLUS in Enns was also well received by representatives from business and local politics. Markus Litzlbauer, Deputy Managing Director of AMS Upper Austria, emphasised: "From the point of view of AMS, people with disabilities and people with health restrictions are an important potential group that will contribute to solving Upper Austria's labour demand. Innovative formats such as the inclusive Job Week at BILLA Plus in Enns are needed to realise this potential." Mayor Christian Deleja-Hotko is very keen on this pioneering project: "I myself was professionally responsible for the long-term employment and placement of jobseekers with disabilities for over 30 years. I am therefore particularly pleased that BILLA, together with NEBA Betriebsservice/Betriebsservice CHG, is pursuing innovative strategies in personnel management and making the market in Enns accessible to people with disabilities. This is an important step towards an inclusive world of work in which all people have the same opportunities. It is encouraging to see when companies like BILLA are committed to integration and promotion. I am convinced that actions like this have a positive impact on our society and the world of work and I look forward to supporting further inclusive initiatives in Enns."

Jürgen Kapeller, Chairman of the Linz-Land Economic Chamber, emphasised the importance of such initiatives for the economy: "The inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market is an important concern of the Upper Austrian Economic Chamber. Initiatives such as Inclusion Week are crucial to breaking down barriers and promoting diversity in our companies. It shows once again that an inclusive working environment and economic success go hand in hand." Jürgen Bockmüller, Deputy Head of the Upper Austrian Department of Social Services, explains how important it is to break down barriers in people's minds. "We need to focus on the skills of people with disabilities so that they can be successful in the labour market. The Inclusion Week is a good opportunity to achieve a suitable match through concrete practical experience and getting to know each other."