Press Release 17th September 2024

Together for each other - “Round up” now and support flood victims: all donations now go to the “ Österreich hilft Österreich” initiative

Continuous rain, gale-force winds and high water levels: the weather situation in Austria over the last few days has been dramatic. Numerous people, especially in the federal states of Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Styria and Vienna, have had to be evacuated from their homes and tens of thousands fear for their livelihoods. From now on, customers in all REWE Group retail companies - BILLA, BIPA, PENNY and Sutterlüty - can contribute to disaster relief with a simple “round up, please” at the checkout; the money collected will benefit those affected by the floods until the end of the year.

Together with the “ Österreich hilft Österreich” initiative and the aid organizations involved, REWE is doing everything it can to help those affected, above all quickly and unbureaucratically.

Together with the “ Österreich hilft Österreich” initiative and the aid organizations involved, REWE is doing everything it can to help those affected, above all quickly and unbureaucratically. / Copyright: © BILLA AG / Robert Harson - Abdruck zu redaktionellen Zwecken honorarfrei, Reproduction for PR purposes free of charge


“Together for each other” - emergency aid of 75,000 euros

In addition, REWE Group is tripling the expected donations for the month of September to 75,000 euros in advance in order to provide immediate financial assistance to those affected.

Marcel Haraszti, REWE International AG Management Board member: “The recent storms have left devastating traces in many parts of Austria and have put numerous people in a situation that threatens their very existence. As part of our social responsibility, together with the “ Österreich hilft Österreich” initiative and the aid organizations involved, we are doing everything we can to help those affected, above all quickly and unbureaucratically. With the ' Aufrunden, bitte!' initiative, we are working with our customers to help directly where the need is greatest.”

Anna Parr, Caritas Secretary General: “The storms of the last few days have caused severe losses and great uncertainty for many people in Austria. As Caritas, it is our goal to help quickly in such crisis situations. By earmarking the donation initiative 'Round up, please!', we can quickly implement necessary aid measures together with REWE Group. Every contribution - even a small amount - makes a big difference to the lives of the people affected.” Caritas set up an Austria-wide flood hotline on Saturday to help those affected. The number can be reached on 05 17 76 300 seven days a week from 9 am to 6 pm.

Every cent counts: how rounding up works

Customers of BILLA, BILLA PLUS, PENNY, BIPA and Sutterlüty have the opportunity to round up the amount of their purchase to the nearest full 10 cents (e.g. €14.63 to €14.70) and donate the difference at any store in Austria. Every cent collected is used directly to support people in need. By saying “Round up, please” at the checkout, donations can be made easily during the normal payment process. A “permanent round-up” can also be set up directly at the checkout and in the retailer's customer apps.